My Adventures 

Brighton Colour Run 2016!Image result for colour run 2016 logo

Hello everyone! how are you all? Sorry I have been away for so long (I am also sorry that this blog is way overdue, seeing as this happened nearly a month ago, but I’ve finally found some time to write about this.)

before-raceOn the 17th September 2016 me and my friend Furn (Raichi) decided to go down to Brighton for the day to take part in a 5K colour run (that is just over 3 miles.) We invited two of our other friends a long as well; Amy & Andie. So us four, my , brother, mum, dad and grandparents all went down to Brighton to support me and Furn.
About a week before the event me and Furn both got our run packages through the post, in this we got a Colour Run T-shirt, 3 tattoos, a wristband, a headband and our runner number.

On the morning of the race I woke up at 5am to get myself ready for the colour run seeing as we were leaving at 7 to get there on time. When we arrived we all walked down to Madeira Drive where Furn and I both walked off to go and get ready for the race. When we arrived there was a massive stage which was doing warm up exercises and also lots of places to take photos, which was all for free! So we made sure we got all the photos that they were doing (However, I never received one photo which I was meant to through my E-mail) We also found a 360′ photo booth that was also giving out granola so we both had some granola to give us energy before the race.


Slowly we started being told to get ready, so we started walking up the designated walkway where everyone had to wait, we were all sent in waves of about 500-800 people at a time. When we got nearer the front there was someone standing on a really high podium (don’t worry it had edges and was secure) and he was getting us all excited for the race and throwing free merchandise into the crowd of runners.

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Japan Matsuri 19th September 2015

Hello everyone, I am a huge fan of Japan and on Saturday Amy and I were kindly invited by Thaijindesu and Reece to go with them to a Japanese festival in Trafalgar Square, London with Thaijindesu’s parents. So at around 10:30am we got on IMG_0886the train and headed for London. The train ride was actually really fun and it did not feel like an hour and I would definitely prefer going places in a train as it is so much more relaxed. When we big benarrived we walked along a massive bridge and got some really nice photos. It took us about 15-20 minutes to reach Trafalgar Square from London Waterloo. When we arrived at Trafalgar square there was SO many people, it was dangerous. When we arrived into the area in which the Japan Matsuri was being held we could see loads of little huts selling food, games to be played, free stuff and stalls to buy things from, there was also many people dressed up as Lolita and other Japanese characters which was really cool, these people seemed like the celebrities of the Japan Matsuri because loads of people were asking for photos. There were also people who were working there dressed up as well which we got loads of pictures with.

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My Holiday In Paignton

Hello everyone, so I recently went on holiday to Paignton, Devon, and I am going to document it here! First of all I am going to say that most days were rainy/cloudy and were not very nice which was kind of disappointing but we still managed to go out and do stuff!

When we first arrived at Beverley Park it was nice and sunny and a good start to the holiday, it took us about 3 and a half hours to get to the park, but it didn’t feel that long (probably because I’m used to going to Cornwall which is about 4 hours and a half.) When we arrived we parked up and went and got the keys, our grandparents keys were ready but ours were not as ours was being cleaned. We then unpacked the car so my mum and dad could go shopping. When they got back from shopping we went over to Beverley Bay and went into the club house to relax and talk as we didn’t want to go far because we still hadn’t got a caravan. Finally we got the keys and moved into our caravan. (I didn’t even unpack!) For dinner we went to ‘Starlight’ (which is the restaurant on site) and it was awesome! It was above the entertainment and if you sat by a window you could see the entertainment and slightly hear it as well! (I am not going to write about everything I done and where I went because the video kind of explains what I done and what I saw so I am not going to write about everyday as it will be very boring for you to read 🙂 )

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